First Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We connect with other churches in our denomination through the Utica Presbytery and the Synod of the Northeast.
At the core of Presbyterian identity is a secure hope in the grace of God in Jesus Christ, a hope that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, empowers us to live lives of gratitude: “In affirming with the earliest Christians that Jesus is Lord, the Church confesses that he is its hope, and that the Church, as Christ’s body, is bound to his authority and thus free to live in the lively, joyous reality of the grace of God.” (Book of Order F-1.0204)
What is central to our denomination is that we are a church that is “Reformed and Always Reforming.” This means that God is continually reforming our faith through the reading of Scripture, prayer, and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Our denomination is active regarding social issues and in witnessing to God’s love and grace by loving our neighbors.
The two sacraments in the Presbyterian Church are Baptism and Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper. We celebrate Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month and on special feast days. Baptisms are celebrated after a brief class/discussion with the pastor and take place during a Sunday worship service.
For more information about our denomination, what we believe, etc.
visit the websites below or come and visit us in person and find out.