09:50 am Children & Youth Faith Formation (Sunday School) Upstairs
10:00 am Coffee / Fellowship time at Zion
10:30 am Worship Service/Communion at Zion
11:30 am Adult Faith Formation (Topical Discussion) at the Parlor

GET READY FOR THE SOUPER BOWL! That’s right; you read this correctly. FPC is having a Souper Bowl. On Sunday, Feb. 9th – the same day as the Super Bowl – we are collecting cans of soup for Zion’s Food Pantry to help the needy in our community including local veterans. How will this work? There will be a table with the name of each team that will be in the Super Bowl. Bring your cans of soup and place them on the side with the team you are supporting.
Let’s see what team collects the most soup. No matter what team wins, everyone will be a winner with this outreach event. So bring your cans of soup and let’s make this a great Souper Bowl of Caring!