Tornado Restoration Fund
While we do not have all the specific details and information yet, our hope is to rebuild our sanctuary from the destruction caused by the tornado. We have set up a Restoration Fund for anyone who would like to help financially. If you would like to donate, please make checks out to First Presbyterian Church with Restoration Fund in the memo line. They can be mailed to our address 108 W Court Street Rome, NY 13440. We are picking up mail daily at the Post Office. We also have a Venmo account. Again, please indicate Restoration Fund.
Thank you for your donations.

Stewardship means caretaking.

Being a good steward means being a good care taker of all God has entrusted to us – our time, our talents, our faith, creation, money, our neighbors, our whole lives. Giving from our hearts changes our hearts as it focuses us on what really matter – God’s mission of love for the whole world. If you would like to give to the ministries of First Presbyterian Church here are some ways you can give financially:
Ways to Give

Payments can be mailed to church office:
First Presbyterian Church
108 W Court Street
Rome, NY 13440
~ coming soon~