Community Closet
The Community Closet is an outreach program aimed to support individuals and families in our community in need of clothing, blankets, houseware and hygiene items. We also have a small amount of food available for emergency needs. The Community Closet offers other social service information for individuals needing additional support.
The Closet is open Tues. & Thurs. from 9:30 am – Noon.

Blessings in a Backpack
There are so many children who experience food insufficiency and in collaboration with Trinity UCC Church in Rome we aim to help provide additional food resources. We provide students with
weekly bags filled with nutritional food to supplement their meals.
We fill these bags weekly at Trinity UCC on Thursdays at 10:30 am.

CWS (Church World Service)
Church World Service is a faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster. Our church participates in the Blanket Appeal, Spring Hygiene Kits and Fall

Neighborhood Picnic
First Presbyterian Church is committed to spreading the love of Christ guided by the Holy Spirit.
We know that the Spirit speaks through all people including those in our neighborhood who may
not attend this church. We want to hear everyone’s stories and be connected. One of the ways we
do this is through our Annual Neighborhood Picnic held after worship on a Sunday in August on
our lawn. This free picnic is open to all.

Mission Trips
One of the ways we reach out in service is by participating in mission trips. This past year, members of this congregation and other churches in the Presbytery traveled to Kentucky to help
rebuild houses that were destroyed from recent floods. This project was not only a blessing to those served, but workers were blessed by the heart-felt stories of the people in the community.

Rescue Mission Cooking
Twice a month members of our congregation prepare healthy and nutritious meals served at the Rome Rescue Mission. We prepare food for between 60 – 80 individuals who are so grateful for a warm meal and experience the love of God through this service we provide.