Worshipping God together is central in growing in our Christian faith. Spirit-led worship centers around Word & Sacrament, prayer, music, listening, and participating. The liturgy of the service involves all the people of the church.

During each service we take time to witness to what God is doing in our lives through our time of sharing our joys and thanks. While God is with us everywhere, worship together is a special and holy time where we feel the presence of God differently than when we are alone. The Spirit speaks through each and every person.
The pastor takes time each week to invite children up front for a short special children’s message about the theme for the week that ties in with our scripture readings. The children (and adults) enjoy the visuals and the conversation and ideas the children share.
Children and youth are a vital part of our worship services. They help with ushering, reading scripture lessons, singing in the choirs, playing in the bell choir, and most importantly their very presence. Children and youth participate in a Christmas pageant every year during a Sunday Worship Service in December. Usually this is around the third Sunday in December. They also lead a special service during the year.
While we do have a nursery room for anyone who wants to use it for their children, most people encourage their children to stay in the sanctuary. We love the excitement and energy children bring to worship. There are special activity bags and an area near the front where children can play while being a part of worship.